Should you tip the Uber driver? Here's what to give them

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Not by a long shot. Get a daily roundup of the top reads in personal finance delivered to your inbox. Teen-age Drunks who are using their moms app, Drunks who insist they have the right to shout racial and sexual slurs ut the window of your car, and last but not least, the rich pompous aggressive condescending drunk who is only out to demean you and blame you for his cheating wife and drug addicted kids. I only tipped in Kenya because I have started to feel bad about not tipping.

In the one week the petition was online, before it closed on Friday, it gathered 13,359 signatures. So, do you Uber often—and if you do, do you tip your driver? I just did my job to the best of my ability.

Should you tip the Uber driver? Here's what to give them - Well, they can find another company.

Uber has been saying it for years. And the car-hailing app was embraced, in part, because of it. But in recent weeks has begun allowing drivers in two states — California and Massachusetts — to post signs in their cars that say tips are appreciated. Is this just the beginning of Uber tipping? And what does it mean for travelers? Two class-action lawsuits have led to policy changes throughout California and Massachusetts, where lawyers argued that Uber drivers should be classified as employees, not independent contractors, so that they can enjoy certain protections. A was reached last month that allows Uber to continue categorizing drivers as independent contractors. However, in turn, Uber is , including clarifying its messaging regarding tipping. No pressure to tip then, right? Further, Uber does not have a tipping option on its app, unlike competitors like , which allows riders to add a gratuity through their smartphones. And yet, Uber is saying that riders should feel free to tip. It is also allowing its drivers to make it clear to passengers that they would welcome a tip. Suddenly that seamless Uber service has entered the murky realm of when and how much to tip, a realm that many travelers would just as soon avoid as they try to navigate themselves through new places. One reason for that, , a pricing strategy consultant, is that it could hurt riders. After all, they are rated by Uber drivers. Customers with low ratings are less likely to be picked up when they request a ride. Start carrying cash for Uber tips? Budget for more expensive rides? I used Uber three times in San Francisco and Berkeley in recent days and none of my drivers asked for tips or had signs in their cars. It was the usual seamless experience. But what if there had been a sign? Weekday rides from 6 a. We never want you to pay more than that fare for a ride, so although our drivers are the best in the biz, a tip is neither required nor expected. For travelers who wish to tip, there are, of course, other ride-hailing options, like Lyft and , that allow gratuities to be added through their apps. And Uber has acknowledged as much on its blog.


Instead, tip amounts increase for essentially random reasons, like if you pay with credit card or if your server writes a smiley face on the receipt. You can run some example scenarios to find out your tip amount by using the Uber tip calculator below. And the policies posted on their websites can be unclear. Most drivers are not going to contact Uber afterwards to change their rating. The company encourages drivers to give passengers water and snacks, and to play riders' choice of music. That initial tip amount that passengers set doesn't go to either UberX or UberBlack drivers. Boyd, it makes sense to tip your driver because they are so you tip uber drivers a personal service which involves safety and comfort, and our cultural norm is to tip those who provide this kind of service. I think this is a mistake on my part. Tipping is simply a gesture of appreciation for a job well done. In 2018 the IRS is allowing drivers 54. No wonder the attrition rate is so high with new drivers….